Wise Land Stewardship
Given the critical importance of land issues to the food sector and the huge impact of food production on the environment, the partnership will lead on reimagining farming as a partnership between people and nature sensitive to the needs of both, and which respects the right of future generations to enjoy the undamaged and unharmed the food production resources on which we depend today. We will support ‘land sharing’ approaches that combines food production with biodiversity and environmental goods, encouraging connection with nature and building capacity for adaptation and resilience to climate change.
The partnership will work with Zero Carbon Shropshire , South Shropshire Climate Action, the National Trust, Natural England and the Stepping Stones initiative to provide county-wide community responses to the climate and ecological crises. We will:

Promote agro-ecological approaches and regenerative farming, through increasing awareness, sharing innovation and inspiration, and facilitating peer exchange so farmers can learn from each other how their business and nature can thrive.
Document and disseminate outcomes of the impact of farming with nature on business and the environment from the different landholdings and main production types found in the county.

Support nature-positive food production within protected areas, especially in the Shropshire Hills AONB (which covers a quarter of the land area in the county) and in the emerging Nature Recovery Network.
Build partnerships with the larger progressive estates and small farms to create collaborative approaches to sustainably manage soil, land and water resources at scale.

Take the lead in framing alternative pathways to land stewardship in a post-agricultural subsidy Britain, highlighting key challenges and opportunities in policy and practice.