At the Oxford Real Farming Conference in January and subsequently at the Organic Farm
Shop, Cirencester, Vandana Shiva spoke passionately about her Navdanya project in India
where she has very successfully supported small farmers. Navdanya was established over 30 years ago and is a non-governmental organisation which promotes biodiversity conservation, the rights of women and farmers, and seed saving.

Vandana actively encourages Fairtrade which provides an opportunity for producers, mainly
smaller scale farmers in the “Global South” operating to high social and environmental
standards to achieve a premium for their produce in the marketplace. She also sees organic
farming methods as central to her mission; the way we grow and produce food and manage
our soils and animals all impact on both the quality of that food, the effects on the
environment and on local wildlife.
Over 50% of Fairtrade producers worldwide are also certified Organic.
The issues faced in India are in many ways similar in the UK, although our farms may be
larger. We are all familiar with the abuse of power by supermarkets; in the first instance
small and family farmers are driven out of business, but ultimately it is the supermarkets’
impact on the environment, animal welfare and human health that is of real concern. Don’t
think that farmers keep 25,000 meat chickens in a single shed, stocked at 19 birds per
square meter, or routinely spray Roundup on your cereals pre harvest, or cause the Wye
and Teme to go red with soil just for the fun of it. Constant downward price pressure results
in shortcuts and compromise.
Around the world the Fairtrade element of farm certification ensures high social standards
and better payment for the farmer; when combined with organic certification, human
health, animal welfare and our environment is safeguarded.
Mark Measures
Mark is an organic farming adviser, working with farmers locally and internationally. He is a
partner in a mixed farm in the Clun Forest.