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'Being Regenerative' Huddle

We are exploring a new way of engaging with a small group of you over the coming year through a 'Being Regenerative' Huddle. 

What does that actually mean? 

By 'Huddle' we mean a gathering of about 8 people coming together to share and be co-learners and support each other in exploring ideas, insights, feelings, practices. We are drawing on experience by organisations like Huddlecraft, who talk about creating 'microclimates for learning' and a 'peer-to-peer learning movement' and then facilitating it in our own unique way.

By 'Being Regenerative' we are placing the emphasis on Being  - since creating a regenerative future begins with regenerating ourselves. So we'll look at regenerative mindset and culture and how we can nurture ourselves. It calls for working closely with the land as part of Nature - so we'll explore belonging to place, connecting to the land and accessing our intuitive wisdom. We’ll look at the important issues around conscious leadership including strategies to manage and  prevent burnout, and ultimately to move from feeling like a lone voice to being an integral part of a conscious community for sustainable change. SGFP is a member of the  Conscious Food Systems Alliance and we'll bring insights from organisations working on this from around the world. 

This huddle is for people working with agro-ecological practices, on food system change, and is designed to support you in the current context of a rapidly changing climate and economic and political systems that entrench business as usual. Our focus will be on how we can act here and now to make a positive difference, create coherence within ourselves and through what is ours to do, and on hope. This will be a space of conviviality and connection, for interesting conversations that you may not be able to have with anyone else, a time for nurturing yourself and sharing good food and company. 

We invite a small group of growers/farmers to come together for six gatherings over the year, every other month. A time commitment of 2 in person sessions - 2 hours plus lunch; and 6 x 1 hour zoom calls over the year. The first session will be held on a farm around Imbolc, the season of new beginnings. Themes will follow the cycle of the year, there will be food for thought in the form of links to resources to read/listen to/discuss in between times.

The Huddle will be free to join, we just ask that a couple of you are up for hosting a gathering, we just need a warm space and will be requesting everyone to bring a contribution for a shared lunch at our in person sessions.

Your hosts will be:

Jenny Rouquette - founder and Partnership Lead of SGFP, an ecologist by background, network weaver, change maker and co-creator with the spirit of the land here in the Marches (we'll be straight talking, reclaiming true nature, so starting right here).

Jackie Jones - has been a group facilitator and retreat leader for over 25 years. She brings a wealth of experience in community organising;  empowering people to bring to life their dreams of a more sustainable future. Jackie ran the Collaboration Hub and a meditation session for us at  MRFFC.

Do get in touch with Jenny  if you are interested to be part of this, ask any questions, by mail ( or give me a call (07453810696). It would be good to know by 22nd January if you'd like to be involved so we can plan our first gathering.  


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